How To Change a 3D Printer Nozzle?

Cheryl Owens22 Feb 2022

3D printers are becoming increasingly popular for several different reasons. Using them is fast and affordable, and you can print out almost anything. They’re also becoming more and more accessible to the average person looking for an easy way to create new items that fit their needs. Many 3D printer owners face a problem when their nozzle starts clogging up with plastic and needs to be replaced. Luckily, replacing your nozzle is a straightforward process that will take only about 15 minutes.

The Types of 3D Printer Nozzles

Before knowing how to replace the nozzle, you should see that nozzles come in different types.

1. Thermal Nozzle

The thermal nozzle uses heat. Heat is used to melt and then shape the plastic all at once. Usually, it tends to build faster; the printer and heat the print roller is found under it. Due to this, thermal nozzles have a heating chip to be operated correctly. However, this temperature must be controlled precisely. So if you fix the wrong temperature, it may damage the printer mildly.

2. Mechanical Nozzle

The automatic nozzle works differently than the thermal one; extruding plastic is created quickly by moving it down and up through your printer for fast and efficient results. Then, it works with a single rod, and it’s turned and threaded by the printer. Other than that, they also use lubrication to heat plastic, as different nozzles do. However, they are generally heavier and more expensive than their counterparts. If you want to print faster, this should be considered.

3. Standard Nozzle

This uses plastic rather than heat to form objects; the nozzles tend to be faster when printing, lightweight, and mechanically much more complex. The essential parts include a vibration chip and transferring head. This allows the rapid forward and backward movement to work properly.

4. Piezoelectric nozzle

This type of nozzle is designed especially for printers that automatically push heated nylon objects as soon as possible. When printing, it prints two colors/glows of an object. After making another color/color, then it comes out automatically. These piezoelectric heaters are made into ceramic and can transfer heat energy before ceramic plugs are pushed axially through the inside channel from a cold state to obtain 3D printing.

How to Replace Your Nozzle

  • Step 1: First, you will need to turn off your printer and disconnect the power cord.
  • Step 2: Now, take all wires off the thermistor assembly and set them aside behind. Take the screwdriver out of the toolkit and unscrew the screws holding the nozzle where the metal-metal holder was attached.
  • Step 3: Remove the nozzle carefully, so you don’t bend the metal holder. Then clean screws left after removing the metal holder are removed carefully without turning them before removing cooling pins as this guide advises later on in this guide.
  • Step 4: Next, you’ll need to clean off all the residue that might be on your new nozzle before attaching it back into the plastic holder. There are a few ways to do this; you can pour acetone onto a Q-tip and wipe off any residue, or you can use a lint-free cloth to wipe down your new nozzle. Make sure your nozzle is spotless before putting it back into its holder.
  • Step 5: Replace cooling springs with larger springs from old nozzles if they aren’t moving freely but coat them with lubricant before replacing them if they are stiff at all. Check if springs do not click loudly when pressed. If nothing connects, it helps avoid users’ irritation during printing that wears hearing phones. If the spacers aren’t metal springs, then don’t replace springs; they can be very useful if the spacers are metal-metal springs.
  • Step 6: After you had checked to see if the old springs moved freely and were all coated with a lubricant that they were lubricating, but the hole of the nozzle back in through the plate where the shank was housed when you removed it. Then take a larger copper tube as what was in place of old copper. This will keep the nozzle hole firmly in the After that is done, turn your printer back on and make sure it grabs the new part successfully.

What To Do After the Replacement Is Complete?

After you’ve replaced your nozzle, the first thing that you should do is run a test print. This will make sure that your 3D printer prints correctly without any issues. If there are no print problems, you can start using it again. However, if the test print has an issue, it’s time to contact your 3D printer manufacturer for further assistance. If there are no problems with the test print and you feel comfortable using your 3D printer again, then one of the most important things to do after replacing your nozzle is to clean out the area around it so that nothing gets in its way during future use. It would help if you also kept in mind how often you use your 3D printer and how often you need to replace your nozzle. If you use it daily or more than once a week, replacing your nozzle more frequently might be necessary. If, on the other hand, you only use it occasionally or maybe once every few months, then this might not be necessary at all.

Importance of a good nozzle

3D printer nozzles are often overlooked and tend to be forgotten about. This is a mistake because the nozzle plays a major role in printing what you can and cannot. If you have a 3D printer with clogged nozzles, you won’t be able to use the printer at all. It would help if you got your nozzle replaced as soon as possible to avoid any problems. It would help if you also remembered that replacing your nozzle will help you create new items and help keep your printer running smoothly to continue printing for many years to come.


The nozzle is one of the most important components of a 3D printer. It is the most moving part and the one that will determine the overall performance of your 3D printer. A bad nozzle can lead to a poor print result, and worse, it can lead to a ruined piece.

Cheryl Owens

Cheryl Owens

Welcome to Printlitic! 3D printing became a hobby of mine 5 years ago with an earlier model of Anycubic printer. Since then, I have grown to love seeing what people can build & create, and how these printers can change the world.

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